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Sewanee, Tennessee

The cornerstone of the original University of the South in Sewanee was laid down in 1860, before the building of the University designed to teach men southern episcopal values was stopped by the onset of the Civil War. 


The other remnants of the Civil War in the University are the Murals in the glass windows of all saint's chapel depicting the war, and the graveyard- where two confederate generals have their resting place. 


The last Civil War monument was Rebel's Rest- the private home of a Confederate Major that served as a campus guesthouse, but on July 23rd, 2014 the building had a second floor fire that did severe damage.


Not a lot of details were released to the public or to the student body, but no statement was made confirming an accidental fire, leading many to conclude probable arson. 


The story has become campus rumor after more details were realized- the fact that all the historically valuable paintings and furnature were moved out of the building the day before the fire, the lack of attempts to repair the building afterward, and the fact that the burning building coinsided with the largest freshman class the school has ever seen- a few have suspsicions about the cause of the fire, particularly now that the school is making moves to build more dorms.


"Civil War Sites in Sewanee." Traveling the Mountain Now. N.p., 01 July 2013. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.



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